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Hi, I'm Vasudev Agarwal, Senior majoring in Computer Science at Texas A&M University. along with the coursework I'm also doing research at Urban Resilience.AI lab where we analysis data from hurrican harvey do tell whether variables like flood, wealth, miniority popluation and elderly popluation affect the recovery efforts. I like reading books, and some of my favorite ones are:

  1. Burn Math Class by Jason Wikes: I came across the burn math class book after struggling with calculus at my highschool and felt that I could solve the problems but I didn't have great understanding or in-depth understanding of calculus. and burn math class helped me develop interest in mathematics.
  2. Physics Lectures by Richard Feynman: physics lectures by richard feynman was again book where it was about gaining deeper understanding of the concepts without physics jargon. And richard feynman is known for his simple and intutitve explanations. Where I learned how atoms react when the water is at boiling tempeature. where atoms and molecules at the surface of the water move much faster than atoms at the bottom because I have gained energy from the heat. and they move in such rapid speed that they're are able to break the intramoecular bonds to escape the attraction force between the atoms and molecules.
  3. The Pattern on the Stone by W. Daniel Hillis: the pattern on the stone developed my interest for computer science. where I learned about logic gates. Particuarly how logic gates are used as abstract model to represent the real world brief intro to neruals networks and how similar they are to the neruals in human brain. particlarly where we have multiple inputs and just one output. which is possible as we put a thresold and the sum of the inputs single stregthn comes over that certain thresold the output is 1 otherwise 0.
Here is the link to the list of books I've read: Book List some of my other hobbies are hiking, swimming, running. I'm good at table tennis, badminton, soccer, biking, and more. A fun fact about me is that I walked a marathon in Austin in summer 2022. Unfortunately, the Strava app glitched, so I don't have anything to prove it. Here are some photos from my hiking trips. Check out my friends webisite: Friends Website
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